Review: Atlantis Drive – Atlantis Drive

Review: Atlantis Drive – Atlantis Drive

Pride & Joy Music (June 14th, 2024)

Reviewer: Chris O’Connor

For the uninitiated, Atlantis Drive is an AOR/Melodic Rock project put together by guitarist/bass guitarist Markus Pfeffer (Barnabas Sky, Lazarus Dream, Winterland), who has enlisted extremely talented keyboardist Jorris Guilbaud (Heart Line, Devoid), and hugely respected drummer Markus Kullmann (Glenn Hughes, Sinner, Voodoo Circle etc). For his vocalist, he only had one man in mind – Mark Boals (Yngwie Malmsteen, Ring Of Fire, Shining Black, Royal Hunt, Iron Mask etc). So, Atlantis Drive was born, and Birgit from Pride & Joy Music was quick to sign the band.

First of all, let’s get the criticisms out of the way. The album is very good, but it’s not perfect. The production, for me anyway – lacks ‘bottom end’, but beyond that, it’s hard to find anything to be negative about.  How much the album is actually AOR is another slight bone of contention – Markus wanted to create an album rooted in ‘80’s rock nostalgia, but it sort of also isn’t? It feels as if it’s trying to be both modern and retro – now this is not a criticism, more a sort of ‘note’, and I’m not sure I’m making much sense when I say it.

Now to the positives, and there are many. The songs are beautifully crafted, are lovingly played, and are arranged perfectly. The guitar work is fiery but tasteful, they keyboards create a perfect counterpoint throughout. The drumming c/o Markus is bombastic yet not overwhelming, and Mark Boals proves that his voice is perfectly suited to the Melodic Rock genre, I’ve never been his most ardent, but here he truly shines – and I doff my cap to him.

The album features ten songs, and from the ‘off’ the sheer quality shines through. This is music that focusses on songs with big ‘hooks’ and equally big and memorable choruses. Kicking off with the excellent ‘Way Back When’, here is a band in full flight, the song has a surging verse and a soaring chorus, so is everything that’s good about Melodic Rock. Thus, the scene is set for this fine album. I would also particularly draw your, attention to the uplifting ‘Living For The Moment’- which again has a fabulous verse and even better chorus.

Brand New Start’ makes for a nice change of pace, being mainly acoustic, and with a nice Hammond organ accompaniment – and is extremely tasteful. ‘Time’ is another very stylish number, being absolutely classic Melodic Rock, mid-paced and beautifully constructed. Finally, I would recommend to you the epic album closer ‘Heroes’, which clocks in at eight and a half minutes, and is nothing short of stunning. It is a powerful and emotively uplifting song, that is the perfect way to close the album. If you are looking for a quality rock album to invest in, then ‘Atlantis Drive’ should be high on your shopping list, and comes very highly recommended.


01 Way Back When

02 Medusa Smile

03 Living For The Moment

04 Brand New Start

05 United

06 Curtain Falls

07 Faith

08 Time

09 Farewell To A Friend

10 Heroes

Mark Boals: Vocals, Background Vocals
Markus Pfeffer: Guitars, Bass
Jorris Guilbaud: Synths
Markus Kullmann: Drums


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