Review: Lincoln Blues Festival, The Drill, Lincoln. May 12th 2024

Review: Lincoln Blues Festival

The Drill, Lincoln (May 12th 2024)

Reviewer / Photographer: Dan Mann

My first visit to The Drill left a strong impression; it’s an impressive venue, with decent lighting, something us togs constantly moan about. My sole complaint would be the temperature inside—it seemed a bit too warm, and I’m uncertain if they have air conditioning. The performers appeared to agree, as Chantel McGregor mentioned during the Cadillac Three concert that it was the warmest she had ever felt on stage.

The first act to grace the stage were The 251s. Not a band I was familiar with, and whilst their mixture of swing and blues isn’t to my taste, they are damn good at what they do that’s for certain.

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Next up was Gerry Jablonski and The Electric Band. I first say Gerry and the guys at one of the HRH festivals and they certainly left an impression. Gerry Jablonski sang on most of the songs, but I must mention drummer Lewis Fraser‘s superb vocal performance when he left his kit to sing on one number. They are an act you really need to experience, entertaining, with great showmanship as well as great songs to boot! Very enjoyable.

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Ramblin’ Preachers were next to grace the stage. Again a band I’d first seen at HRH and had enjoyed them on that occasion, so I had been looking forward to seeing them again. With a blend of southern meets blues rock, they’re another band I’d recommend you go and see if you’ve not already had the opportunity.

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When I was sent Brave Rival‘s debut album to review, they blew me away, followed by a superb performance at Maid Of Stone festival last year, it was great to watch them in a smaller venue, singers Lindsey BonnickChloe Josephine interacting with the crowd between songs as well as delivering goose bump inducing vocals, Ed Clarke is one hell of a guitarist, all underpinned by Donna Peters on drums and Billy Dedman on bass.

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I have been a fan of Chantel McGregor since I first heard her album ‘Like No Other‘. Although I recently photographed her at the Rescue Rooms, I wasn’t going to miss the opportunity to see her perform again. She is not only an incredible guitarist, but her singing also gives me chills. It may sound cliché, but her songs truly resonate with me. She also has such a warm and fun character, you cannot help but get drawn in during one of her gigs.

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And so it was the turn of headliners Animals And Friends. Led by original Animals drummer John Street, who 60 years on shows no sign of retiring, we were treated to an entertaining set, and made me realise how many Animals songs I actually know!

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A big thank you to Stephen and Solid Entertainment for your help.

© All photographs are copyright of Dan Mann/RPR Photography. They may not be altered or used without express permission.