Review: Electric Black, The Karma Effect, Bad Touch – Rescue Rooms April 6th 2024

Review: Electric Black, The Karma Effect, Bad Touch

Rescue Rooms, Nottingham (April 6th, 2024)

Reviewer: Photographer: Dan Mann

It was an early start on Saturday night, partly because of the three band bill, but also so Nottingham’s students could have their disco or whatever it is they do apart from stare at phone screens!

But what a line-up for, and all for the ridiculously cheap price of £12 a ticket! Every band is worth the minimum of £12 a ticket each.

I first saw Electric Black the beginning of last year at HRH in Leicester and was impressed, I  bought their debut album ‘The Calm Before‘ from the merch desk. I’ve played the promo of their sophomore release ‘Late Night Lightning‘ a fair bit and was looking forward to hearing the songs live.

With only a short set, Electric Black played only seven songs, all off the new album. There is no question that they’re a different band to the last two times I’ve seen them. Don’t get me wrong, there was nothing amiss with previous gigs, but they seem to have ‘filled their skins’ as it were, with more confidence and swagger, helped no doubt by the large crowd who were fully engaged with the band’s performance.

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Put It Down On Me

World Ain’t So Heavy

Come On Over

Take The Roof Off

Taste Of Paradise

Hellfire Revival

Sick Of Myself

Next up, The Karma Effect. I last saw the guys at Call Of The Wild last year and was disappointed when they unfortunately had to pull out of Love Live a few weeks ago. They are I think it would be fair to say a tour de force! Frontman Henry Gottelier is a ball of energy, taking control of the stage by the scruff of the neck. The crowd had already been lifted up by Electric Black, the Karma boys were determined to pin them to the roof of the Rescue Rooms. They are without doubt, along with the other two bands on the bill, a fine example of the pedigree of bands performing and recording in the UK under the NWOCR banner.

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All Night Long

Wrong Again

Doubt She’s Coming Back

Wild Honey / See You Again

Livin It Up

Steal Your Heart


And so to the headliners Bad Touch, a band I’ve seen on many occasions over the years. Always a fan favourite, led by the charismatic Stevie Westwood, a band who never fail to deliver the goods. As per the other two bands, Bad Touch stepped up a gear, again no doubt feeding off the crowd, but having to come on after the previous two sets, any band would have to press the peddle to the floor! With such a great catalogue of songs at their disposal they were always going to add to my enjoyment of the evening’s proceedings. I have to say that this gig was one of the most enjoyable ones I’ve been to in a while, the three band bill worked perfectly, each band complimenting the others.

I’ve got to say to Peter & Nathan Keevil at TMR Music, you need to make this an annual event, I’m without doubt not the only person who’d be up for it! As I said earlier in this here review, each band is fine example of what the Brits do so well, and thank you for keeping the music scene alive.

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Bittersweet Satisfaction

Lift Your Head


Dressed To Kill

Slip Away

Good On Me

Taste This

I Get High

See It To Believe It

Spend My Days

Let Go

Hand In My Pocket

This Life/Baby

Nothing Wrong With That


© All photographs are copyright of Dan Mann/RPR Photography. They may not be altered or used without express permission.