Review: Philip Sayce – The Wolves Are Coming

Review: Philip Sayce – The Wolves Are Coming

Atomic Gemini/Forty Below Records (February 23rd 2024)

Reviewer: Dan Mann

I was planning to get the review online well before the release date (today) But as usual life got in the way. On the plus side it’s given me plenty of time to give ‘The Wolves Are Coming‘ a damn good listen too. Not that I wasn’t going to do that anyway being a fan of Mr. Sayce’s previous releases.

So, any surprises? No there aren’t, but as per his previous albums, Philip Sayce manages to do ‘his thing‘ and still keep everything sounding fresh.

This is my kind of blues rock, something with a bit of an edge, music you can get your teeth into as it were.

With eleven superb tracks, it was always going to be a bit of a task choosing the one or two tracks that ‘stand out‘. ‘Backstabber‘ is certainly one, reminds me a little of Virgil & The Accelerators in it’s sound, the guitar absolutely wailing, with a strong undercurrent of the drums & bass.

The following track ‘Intuition‘ is one of those tracks that you can just lie back with some decent headphones and let the music just wash over you. It does come to a strange abrupt ending though, which had me re-check the promo in case it was corrupted.

So there you have it, a superb slab of blues rock, a typically brilliant Philip Sayce album which I will certainly be making regular returns too, just like the rest of his catalogue!

If you’re in the dark regarding Philip Sayce, then turn the damn light on and indulge yourself.


  1. Oh! That Bitches Brew
  2. Lady Love Divine
  3. Babylon Is Burning
  4. Your Love
  5. It’s Over Now
  6. Black Moon
  7. Blackbirds Fly Alone
  8. The Moon Is Full
  9. Backstabber
  10. Intuition
  11. This Is Hip


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